
Dec 7, 2010

The Beautiful Faith of Fearless Submission

Submission is a tricky thing.

I love, love, love this sermon by John Piper on submission and wives. I have reread it so many times, I couldn't count them!

He unlocked for me how great a thing submission is, how it places me in the perfect, protecting, peaceful will of God. And how powerful I really am when I submit.

Watch the video online, read the transcript below, or print it out for later.


  1. I used to go to John Piper's church (we now go to a church plant out of that church)... and this sermon was preached months before I got married. In fact, a whole series on marriage, right before our big day! Such a blessing!

    I just found your blog from Passionate homemaking... and love it so far! Thanks for pointing me back to this sermon, I think I'll go read it again! :)

    God bless,

  2. Thanks, Carrie! I have John Piper to thank for so many things. Happy reading!
